Kellergasse Ketzelsdorf, © Michael Liebert
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Holiday in Lower Austria

Latest from Lower Austria: exceptional holiday offers, selected event information and special tips for your free time: Lower Austria is the state you can experience, discover and taste the amazing things in life.

Gravelbiking in the Vienna Alps, © Jiří Dužár

Gravelbiking in Lower Austria - the new freedom on two wheels

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Mountain Hiking, Rax, © Stefan Mayerhofer

The Lower Austrian mountain experience

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in the vineyard, © Julius Hirtzberger

Lower Austria Wine Autumn

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Cycling, © Stefan Mayerhofer

Cycling with Benefits. Our discovery tours.

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Ausblick von der Rax, © Niederösterreich Werbung/Metjukrejza

The first step has been made. Our discovery tours.

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Semmering Viaduct, © Romeo Felsenreich

UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Lower Austria

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Nature park Blockheide, © Naturparke Niederösterreich/Robert Herbst

Nature experiences in Lower Austria

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Mountain and other special railroads

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Today, the historic heartland of Austria is a popular holiday and excursion destination.

Lower Austria

In the heart of Europe and surrounded by constantly changing borders: Lower Austria has always attracted people and powers. This has made for an eventful history and an extremely rich cultural heritage. Its treasures range from small, ancient figurines like the Venus of Willendorf, to large-scale and modern architecture like the Government Quarter and the Cultural District in St Pölten - the youngest state capital in Europe. Lower Austria's special geographic location has not only given the country a rich cultural heritage, but also an incomparable variety of landscape types thanks to the meeting of Alpine, Pannonian, and northern and southern European climate zones. Alluvial forests and steppes, alpine pastures and lakes, gorges and hilly landscapes, river valleys and moors.... There is probably no other place in Europe where so many landscapes come together harmoniously in such a dense area. The country on the Danube presents itself as a scenic and culturally attractive holiday destination!