Details for: Circular route around the Exelberg
Brief description
Quite a leisurely hike. There are some children's play areas along the way. The only really challenging part is the steep path from the Rieglerhütte inn up to the Sophienalpe. From the “Red Cross”, you get a great view of Vienna.
Tip/Fun-Fact: The playground in Schwarzenbergpark is not just for
little visitors. The information point offers lots of interesting facts about the area and the Vienna Woods Biosphere Reserve
Starting point of the tour
Stop 43A Höhenstraße/Marswiese
Destination point of the tour
Stop 43A Höhenstraße/Marswiese
Route description Circular route around the Exelberg
We will start at bus stop 43A for Höhenstrasse/Marswiese. Then we will head east, taking the first right, before turning right into the forest towards the Schottenhof riding school (green route). Heading along the yellow route, we will reach the Sophienalpe via the Rieglerhütte inn. From here, we will turn right and continue towards the “Rotes Kreuz”/red cross (blue route), and then towards Schwarzenbergpark. Finally, we will bear left until we reach the paved road. Once there, we will turn right onto Schwarzenbergallee and head back to Marswiese.
At the sportzentrum "Marswiese"
Arrival with public transport
By bus to the stop "43A Höhenstraße/Marswiese"
Author's tip
Rest points
Updated on: 05.11.2020