From Lake Erlauf via the Brach to the Gemeindealpe

Hiking route

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Elevation profile

10,14 km length

Tour dates
  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Route: 10,14 km
  • Ascent: 840 egm
  • Descent: 65 egm
  • Duration: 3:50 h
  • Lowest point: 828 m
  • Highest point:1.625 m
  • Nice views
  • With refreshment stops
  • Accessibility by train and bus
  • Geological highlights
  • Insider tip
  • Summit tour

Details for: From Lake Erlauf via the Brach to the Gemeindealpe

Brief description

Beautiful summit hike from Lake Erlauf via the Erlaufursprung and the Halterhütte Brach to the summit of the Gemeindealpe.


This beautiful, challenging summit hike starts at the turquoise-green Erlaufsee on the Lower Austrian side of the lake. The trail leads past the Lindenhof farm and along a forest path to the Erlauf spring - where moss-covered stones and a gorge forest exude fairytale charm.

Following the trail further, after a challenging ascent, you reach the Brunnsteinalm and, via a forest road, the Brachalm. Here you will be impressed by a unique view of the Ötscher!

There is one last steep climb to master before you get a breathtaking view of the surrounding mountains from the summit of the Gemeindealpe.


Lake Erlaufsee can be reached by car from the metropolitan areas of Vienna, Linz and Graz in about 2 hours, from St.Pölten in about 1 hour.


There is ample parking on the southern shore of the lake and in the forest above the recreation area - a fee is charged during the season.

From St.Pölten, the Mariazellerbahn runs directly to Mitterbach am Erlaufsee and on to Mariazell. The journey time from St.Pölten to Mariazell is about 2.5 hours.

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Letzte Aktualisierung: 09.03.2025


Bergschuhe, Wanderbekleidung und Regenschutz, Getränk

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