Aussichtsturm, Königswarte Berg

Lookout tower, Scenic lookout


The Königswarte, Austria's easternmost peak, attracts numerous visitors with its viewing tower and offers an impressive panoramic view over Austria and Slovakia. Hikers from Slovakia in particular appreciate this excursion point close to the border.

A unique panorama opens up from the platform of the tower: on a clear day, the view extends as far as Lake Neusiedl, across the lowlands to Schneeberg and Hochwechsel, to the heights of the Vienna Woods and across the Marchfeld to Bratislava. A worthwhile destination for all those who want to enjoy nature and distant views.

VIA.VISTA. - Rundwanderweg Königswarte Berg


  • suitable for children
  • Dogs allowed
  • calm environment

Location and how to get there

  • Contact

    Aussichtsturm, Königswarte

    2413 Berg

    Phone: +43 2143 2371


  • Public transport
  • Route planning with Google Maps

    Route planner Route planner

  • Location / Map
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