Hotel-Gasthof Seeland

Inn, Hotel

This business is excellent…

  • Star rating system: 3 stars

Your stay

Herzlich Willkommen am grünen Rand der Stadt! In familiärer Atmosphäre verbringen Sie eine ruhige und erholsame Nacht in einem unserer gemütlichen Zimmer. Genießen Sie nach einem Spaziergang in der frischen Luft ein herzhaftes Abendessen in unserem rauchfreien Haus. Bodenständig und doch modern, freundlich und zuvorkommend - überzeugen Sie sich selbst.

The desire for regional and seasonal delicacies is great - let us spoil you with culinary delights. This is where hospitality, tradition and cordiality meet. Whether wedding, birthday party or just for two - you are always right with us.

This is what other guests say about this host: Hotel-Gasthof Seeland

Excellent hotel. Fantastic service.

Good to know

  • Friendly service

Highlights from the 29 ratings

  • Service

    5.0 / 5
    16 ratings
  • Food

    4.5 / 5
    18 ratings
  • Room

    3.9 / 5
    7 ratings
  • Cleanliness

    3.4 / 5
    5 ratings

Features of accommodations

  • Detailed features of accommodations
    Suitable for wheelchairs, Baby-care room, Wifi, Kid's play corner, Elevator
  • Service
    Parking, Pets allowed
  • Sports/recreation
    E-bike rental, Table tennis
  • Capacities
    Beds: 70

Location and how to get there

Inquire about Hotel-Gasthof Seeland

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Your data

We will store your contact details (name, address, e-mail and telephone number) and your travel details (arrival/departure date, number of persons, number of children and age of children) for the purpose and duration of processing your non-binding enquiry with us and will pass on this information to the relevant host/provider in order to prepare a quotation. Apart from this, we will not pass on your data to any third parties. Further information on your rights as data subject and to us as data controller can be found in our data privacy policy.

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