Haubiversum – the kingdom of delights

Baker / bakery

This business is excellent…

  • Radpartner Niederösterreich


"Haubiversum – The World of Bread"

In HAUBIVERSUM, Haubi’s world of breadly adventures, the bakery's doors are wide open to everyone. Take a peek behind the scenes and experience the baker's trade up close. And what is more: Plenty of culinary delights are waiting for you! Slip into the role of the master baker and experience first-hand how bread and other tasty baked treats are made during the guided tour through the World of Bread.

  • The World of Bread on 16,000 m³
  • Haubiversum cinema
  • Plait your own "Mohnflesserl", a savory Austrian bread roll decorated with poppy seed
  • Look over the employees' shoulders
  • Follow the path from the grain to the finished bread
  • Tasting of Haubis bread, bread rolls & pastries included

Adventures make you hungry – take a little break!
The Haubiversum café invites you to take a break and relax. Whether you enjoy an extensive breakfast, a delicious lunch snack or one of the tasty pastries – everybody will find a delicious snack that is to his or her taste.

Interested in a baking course?
Have you ever wondered how you can conjure up a loaf of mouth-watering bread just from wheat and rye, or how six strands of dough are wreathed into the baker’s gem, the so-called "Brioche-Striezel", a long plaited bun from brioche dough? In that case, register for our courses in the World of Bread and take a look behind the scenes of the baker's trade.

Daily guided tours: 11 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., in July/August additionally at 9:30 a.m.
Guided tours in English upon request.

  • Can be reached with public transportation

Location and how to get there